Welcome to pure strength

I welcome you warmly to my site where I will present you my master work. Under master work I mean a special adopted and modified strength book. Why?

Let me tell you about myself. I'm 23 years old, I live in Missouri and I'm a big gym fanatic. Of course I don't go to gym to be big and bulk, I just focus on strength. Besides, you don't need to worry about getting big because it's extremely difficult. You need to have a proper diet, meat, proteins and other things you maybe can't afford (like me), but to be honest I don't want to! Maybe you can i don't know, depends what you want and what not.

I want to show the world that not only muscle means power. Of course muscle means a LOT, but even the big dudes won't be able to use even 30% of his maximal power in his muscles. I will take as example me. I visited the gym regularly 2 years ago. After a big break I decided to go to gym again. It was a big disadvantage when I saw that all my strength was gone during that period of time. So I started all over again, of course the muscle memory takes a important place in our lives. With the power of muscle memory I was able to lift the same amount of weight like I did 2 years ago in a short period of time.

After a while I was not satisfied with my current state of strength I developed. My gains where poor, sometimes they drop and sometimes they rose, depends in what mood you are.

So I talked to my dad. He is a retired sports teacher and known for his legendary power in the hands and legs. After a long lasting discussion he gave me 2 books that he got as a gift for his winning matches in various disciplines such as arm wrestling, boxing and lifting weights. The books and the experience dad gave me turned the tables. Now I have the knowledge and might in my hand to use 90% of my muscle capability. That's because I want to share with you this amazing experience and show you how to increase your strength immediately.

You may want to visit my how to increase strength page to download the E-book free and continue reading my story and be sure to read my book.